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Privacy Policy


Online privacy is important and you have a right to know how information we collect through this website will and will not be used. Mindful Midwifery has a strong commitment to privacy. This policy was created to inform you about the kind of information we collect through our website and how we use it.

First, we do not sell, share or make available to 3rd parties or the general public any personal information about you in connection with your use of our website.

If you request information from us through our web site, we will use the information you share with us to contact you and respond to your inquiry. The response will only go to you through the address, phone or email you provide to us for this purpose.

Additionally, we will use your contact information (name, phone number, email address) collected by our website when you book classes to contact you in case of need for further information regarding a class or in the event of change to a class.

In regard to the classes you attend: Mindful Midwifery does NOT collect or store medical information; histories, charts etc. from our class participants. Additionally, Mindful Midwifery staff will never disclose personal information expressed by class participants during the class time to others. However, we do not take liability for other attendees disclosure of personal information outside of the class. Please be aware that it is up to you to only share that information that you are ok with others knowing.

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